
What does PVoC stand for?

PVoC is an acronym for Pre-export Verification of Conformity.

PVoC is a Conformity Assessment procedure applied in the Country of Supply to ensure compliance of imported products with applicable Ugandan Technical Regulations and Mandatory Standards or approved equivalents. Products meeting the requirements of the relevant Ugandan requirements will be issued with Certificate of Conformity (CoC) as proof of compliance by UNBS appointed PVoC Service Providers such as Intertek.

What does UNBS stand for?

UNBS is an acronym for Uganda National Bureau of Standards which is the national standards body for Uganda established by the government as part of the efforts to strengthen the supportive infrastructure for industry and commerce sectors across the economy within the country.

What products are covered by the PVoC?

All products which are covered within the scope of the compulsory Ugandan specifications / general labelling standard are considered as regulated under Uganda PVoC. The PVoC covers a wide range of regulated products. Exporters are advised to contact the local Intertek Office for information on the Regulatory Status of your products.

What will it cost to comply with the PVoC?

The fees for demonstrating compliance with the PVoC are detailed within the "Guidelines for Exporters" document which can be found within the Resources Section. Additionally the exporters could contact the relevantIntertek Country Office for more information.

What are the benefits of the PVoC to Uganda?

PVoC will enhance the protection of the Ugandan consumer from unsafe and sub-standard products. In addition it will help Ugandan manufacturers to compete on a level playing field with imports since it will help prevent the import of products which are often cheaper due to their non compliance with safety standards.

What will happen if the PVoC is not complied with?

Regulated Products arriving at Ugandan ports without the necessary Certificate required by PVoC may be rejected at the port and refused release. The importer/exporter will then be required to re-export the goods or face delays while the goods are sampled and then tested to safety standards. The exporter/importer will be expected to bear all expenses related to this activity.

When was the Uganda PVoC implemented?

The Uganda PVoC was first implemented by UNBS on 9th June 2010.

What is the minimum FOB value threshold for Regulated Product Shipments?

The minimum FOB value threshold for Regulated product shipments is USD 2000/-. Shipments of value less that USD 2000 are exempt from Uganda PVoC requirements.

Who has to demonstrate compliance with the PVoC?

The responsibility for demonstrating compliance lies with the Exporter to Uganda. The compliance process should be undertaken in the Country of Supply.

Uganda Business Export Guide
Resource Centre